Case Type
Employment Status*
Offered Settlement Agreement*
Length of Service*
Type of Discrimination (if applicable)*
***TOOLTIP*** A key date is the date of the "thing" that you wish to make a claim about. For example, date of dismissal or redundancy, date of resignation, TUPE transfer, date of last act of discrimination or date of unlawful deduction from wages. If you don't currently have a key date, please tick the box below.
Please only tick this box if no key date is currently present.
Any other aspects to your claim*
NOTE: Please select more than one if applicable
Submitted To ACAS?*
Submitted To Tribunal?*
If you lost your job, do you have another one yet?*
NB. We need to know this so that we are able to check there is no conflict of interest. It will be kept strictly confidential.
NB. We need to know this so that we are able to check there is no conflict of interest. It will be kept strictly confidential.
Please concisely set out the brief details of the claim. For instance, I was dismissed for alleged theft, but the I deny that I stole anything and the CCTV footage is inconclusive. The less complex the claim the more likely we will be able to take on a no win no fee basis.
Legal Costs*

You have provided us with certain personal data. We will use this to assess your case and to attempt to place your case with one of our panel lawyers in accordance to our privacy policy. We may also use your data for Solicitor Network marketing purposes. Do you consent?